Accepted to GSoC’18


Hello, world!

I am Tejan Karmali, a CS undergrad at NIT Goa. My proposal for GSoC’18 has been accepted under NumFOCUS: Julia. I’ll be working on enriching the model zoo of Flux.jl. Flux is a Machine Learning library written fully in Julia. My project aims at adding a variety of models in Flux. I’ll be adding Dueling DQN, Actor-Critic model, AlphaGo, DCGAN, Decoupling Neural Interface and Spatial Transformer Networks in the model zoo over the course of summer. These models are targeted towards the new users of Flux and to help them get started.

My mentors are Mike Innes, Simon Danisch, Chris Rackauckas and Stefan Karpinski. I’ll be posting biweekly updates here about my project. Looking forward to an eventful and productive summer!